


Eneretica offers consulting to companies or start-ups who want to enter new markets or want to expand their business. We have specialized teams capable of carrying out in-depth market analyzes and drawing up and implementing effective business plans.

Over the years, companies and businessmen who had a dream have turned to us. And we helped them make it happen.
Our team is made up of professional figures with an excellent background in economics and management, as well as a forecasting ability and an understanding of the different markets that allow us to have an edge over.

We identify the most interesting market segments and define the corporate attributes on which we focus for achieving success. We implement structured plans that will guide the company's work and control them constantly and thoroughly.

We notice that human resources of the companies, taken from daily operations, often lose sight of the focus and therefore important opportunities escape. We help to maintain the direction and correct behaviors that lead us away from the goal.


We do not limit ourselves to simple consultancy, but we transfer to our customers a new working method that improves company performance and allows us to achieve real goals.

Italy: a market with enormous potential

Italy has a population of 60 million people  and the quality and standard of life is high. It’s one of the most industrialised countries  in Europe. Our staff is highly qualified, focused on research and development, with great innovation spirit. We are located in a strategic area. The Italian political, economical and social strategy is open to international investments.


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Information and contacts

Eneretica Spa Benefit Company
C. Maffei street, 3
38089 Darzo (TN)
P +39 0465 684701

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